Why do dentists deceive us?

The practitioner holds a dental mock-up of the jaws with teeth and implants.

This question was asked by a man who is planning to get an implant for himself and is studying the price issue in order to choose the right option for himself.

First of all, we figured out what caused this reaction.

It turned out to be simple. In clinics, a potential patient was given completely different costs, while they were in the range of UAH 8,000 – 100,000.

Yeah, how not to be surprised. Almost always, the price is announced from some figure and its limits are not called. And even if the advertisement states that turnkey implantation costs, for example, UAH 14,000, then this may well be just the cost of the implant, but not the entire implantation. The patient still has a question, so how much will implantation cost as a result, how to understand how much money to prepare?

Therefore, we decided to describe in detail what stages implantation consists of and how much it can cost on a turnkey basis.

So, implantation consists of 6 stages.

1. Diagnostic step

For diagnosis, the doctor conducts the necessary studies, such as computed tomography, orthopantomogram if necessary. The doctor determines the condition of the oral cavity and bone tissue, identifies pathologies or contraindications that must be eliminated before implantation begins. At the same stage, the implant surgeon selects the optimal implants for each specific case, draws up a treatment plan, and prescribes additional preparatory procedures, if necessary.

  • Consultation – 261 UAH
  • Orthopantomogram – 652 UAH
  • CT of the upper/lower jaw – 957 UAH

Preliminary cost of the stage – UAH 1,870

2. Getting ready

Healthy condition of the teeth and soft tissues of the periodontium (gums) is the key to successful implantation. Therefore, if necessary, professional oral hygiene and therapeutic treatment is carried out. If the patient does not have enough bone tissue in the area of the sinuses of the upper jaw (during the implantation of 4, 5, 6 teeth), at this stage it is built up using a sinus lift. Engraftment of bone tissue can occur for up to 3-4 months. Sometimes the sinus lift procedure is carried out at the 3rd stage along with the installation of the implant.

Already at this stage, we see that the cost of turnkey implantation cannot be the same for the patient who needs to undergo oral cavity sanitation and increase bone tissue, and for whom there is no necessary.

You can only enter an approximate cost here, as the amount of work is determined individually.

For example, if the patient is ready for implantation, then the preparatory stage is not required.

  • Professional hygiene – 3300 – 5500 UAH
  • Sinus lifting – 8700 UAH

Preliminary cost of the stage – 0 – 20 000 UAH

3. Implant placement step

The stage of implant placement is one of the most important. A titanium implant is placed in the jawbone in place of the missing tooth root. To install the implant, the gum is cut, a bed for an artificial root is formed in the bone, into which the implant is fixed, after which sutures are applied. If simultaneous implantation is performed immediately after tooth extraction, then the implant is placed in the hole of the newly removed tooth. A temporary plug is placed on top of the implant.

The operation can be performed under local anesthesia or medical sedation. This will also affect the cost.

At this stage, the cost will still depend on the chosen implantation system. Prizma Medical Center uses implants of the Nobel Biocare system (Sweden) with a cap worth UAH 13,528.50, and implants of the Strauman system (Switzerland) with a cap of UAH 15,442.50

  • Anesthesia – 435 UAH
  • Medicated sleep – 4437 UAH
  • Installation of the implant – 12093UAH
  • Nobel or Shtrauman implant – 13528 – 15442 UAH
  • Suturing – 435 UAH
  • Suture removal – UAH 217.50

Preliminary cost of the stage – UAH 26,709 – UAH 32,625

4. Stage Healing Abutment

The shaper creates an anatomically correct, beautiful gumline. Approximately 3-6 months later (the period depends on whether the implant was installed on the lower or upper jaw, and also on whether sinus lifting was performed), after implantation of the implant itself, a shaper is installed, around which an aesthetic gum edge is formed within 1-2 weeks.

  • Installation of the gingiva former – UAH 3,045
  • Healing abutment depending on the system – UAH 1,914 – 2,523
  • Suturing – 435 UAH
  • Suture removal – 217.50

Preliminary cost of the stage – UAH 5,611 – UAH 6,220

5. Preparation for prosthetics

After all the surgical steps, the implantation process comes to an end. 2 weeks after the installation of the shaper, you can begin the stage of prosthetics. It includes preparation (taking impressions for the manufacture of the abutment and crown) and placing the crown on the implant.

The abutment is an essential component of a dental implant. It provides a stable connection of the titanium pin, which acts as the root of the tooth, with the dental crown.

At the stage of preparation for prosthetics, the prosthodontist takes impressions for the manufacture of the abutment and the future crown. The material of the crown depends on the clinical case and the wishes of the patient. Often this is a metal-ceramic or metal-free ceramic crown. A week later, the patient is scheduled for the final visit.

  • Impression removal – 870 – 1 131 UAH
  • Installation of the abutment – UAH 6 438
  • Abutment – UAH 4,350 – UAH 9,774

Preliminary cost of the stage – UAH 11,658 – UAH 17,343

6. Prosthetics stage. Final

The final stage of dental implantation is the placement of a crown on the implant. At this stage, the plug and shaper are removed, then the abutment and crown are installed and fixed.

  • Metal-ceramic crown – UAH 8,787
  • Metal-free ceramic crown – UAH 9,570

Preliminary cost of the stage – UAH 8,787 – 9,570

In the preliminary cost of turnkey implantation, we will NOT include the cost of the 2nd (preparatory stage), as this is a very individual stage, but we will calculate the cost of the remaining stages.

Preliminary cost of turnkey implantation – UAH 54,635 – UAH 67,628

As you can see, all patients are unique. Everyone has their own condition of the oral cavity, the quantity and quality of bone tissue, and in each case, various implant systems can be installed.

This is why a telephone consultation about implantation is not very effective.

Only after an examination and diagnosis, the doctor can draw up a treatment plan and quote the cost of implantation on a turnkey basis.

Now, knowing all the stages of implantation, it will be easier for you to navigate the cost that you will hear and you can always clarify what is included in it.

Most importantly, choose a medical center and doctor you trust.

Highly qualified implant surgeons Igor Nikolayevich Zburin and Vasyl Petrovich Yaremko work at Prizma Medical Center.

You can make an appointment with them by phone: +380672161313

All prices are based on the current price as of 03/02/2021

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