Why visit a cosmetic dermatologist?

Portrait of a beautiful woman with firm, smooth skin.

Today, the market is oversaturated with various cosmetic products that promise to keep the skin in good shape, cure acne, remove early wrinkles, remove cellulite and solve other problems on their own. But there are a few important points that we forget as soon as we see a miracle solution to our problem.

  • We are all different, and what may help one person may not always help another person.
  • Removing symptoms and curing are not the same thing.

That is why it is important to consult a specialist before using this or that remedy.

The doctor evaluates your clinical case, finds out the causes that cause a particular disease, it is quite possible that he prescribes additional examinations from related specialists, for example, an endocrinologist, and only after all this determines the procedures and drugs that are right for you and your body.

Technologies do not stand still, innovative methods are being developed in the treatment of a number of diseases, the time required for treatment is being reduced – and what is really effective can only be told by a specialized dermatologist-cosmetologist center.

Today, injectable cosmetology is on a par with plastic surgery. With the help of fillers, you can correct your appearance, replenish lost volumes, and for this it is not at all necessary to go under the knife, but you need to consult a dermatologist.

And, let’s tell you a secret, even if nothing bothers you, you are happy with everything, starting from the age of 25, it is already necessary to prevent skin aging. Yes, yes, this is exactly the biological age at which our skin begins to age. Some are faster, some are slower. It all depends on the internal state, lifestyle, activities, sleep, nutrition. Taking care of your skin, nourishing it with modern cosmetics, care, hardware and injection techniques, you can forget about aging for a long time, prolonging its radiance, youth and freshness.

Take care of your skin in time!


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No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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