Медичному центру Призма – 25 років!
Prizma Medical Center turns 25 today! Just think, 25 years ago we started with one dental office, and today it...
Женщина на летнам отдыхе.
The season of holidays, holidays, sun, beaches, sea, strawberries, watermelons and peaches continues! An alert skeptic will immediately grumble: yeah,...
Как применяется лазерная шлифовка в разном возрасте.
Laser facial resurfacing is one of the most effective and modern methods of skin rejuvenation, as well as the fight...
Скидки на контурную пластику губ.
Many dream of correcting the shape of the lips, making them more plump and desirable, but at the same time...
Лазерная эпиляция в медицинском центре.
Until 07/31/2019, -30% is valid for laser hair removal of any area of the body! Lumenis LightSheer Desire is the...
Кожа после лазерной эпиляции.
Recently, more and more girls (and men too!) prefer laser hair removal. Indeed, today it is one of the most...
Ультразвуковая чистка лица.
Want your face to look clean and well-groomed? Start by cleaning your face. Decorative cosmetics and dead skin cells complicate...
Лечение целлюлита на ногах.
A toned and toned body is every woman’s dream. And on the eve of the summer season, the desire to...
Женщина в бассейне.
The winter season in our latitudes begins at best in November, and ends somewhere in the middle of March. For...
Доктор проводит процедуру миостимуляции пациентке.
We, as a medical center, are very impressed with the modern trend towards a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, regular exercise...
Пациентка медицинского центра Призма после лечения брекет-системой Insignia.
With a slight delay, we are publishing the final part from the personal experience of installing the INSIGNIA bracket system...
Лечение целлюлита в медицинском центре Призма.
During the time of Rembrandt and Rubens, the issue of cellulite was not raised. All the paintings depicted ladies with...
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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