Acupuncture for headaches is a technique that allows you to provide relief from the painful process by acting on special...
Acupuncture therapy: indications for use Acupuncture technique: how the procedure is performed Acupuncture: main contraindications What are the dangers of...
Sprained leg: main varieties The main causes of dislocations Sprained leg: symptomatology Sprained leg: first aid rules Foot sprains: peculiarities...
Fingers on the hands go numb: diagnosing pathology Treatment of numbness of fingers on hands: basic solutions Numb thumbs: preventive...
Acupuncture for pregnant women is a therapeutic measure, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating pain, discomfort, providing a...
Shockwave therapy is a technique in the treatment of musculoskeletal apparatus and a number of other diseases. It is used...
How to recover quickly from a knee injury is a question that often interests not only athletes, but also fans...
Curvature of the spine (scoliosis) is a disease that occurs in 1 in 6 people today. It is primarily associated...
Auricular acupuncture, also known as auriculotherapy, is a method in which special miniature needles are inserted into the ear for...
Back pain is experienced by a large part of the population, regardless of age, gender and lifestyle. Very often, minor...
There are a lot of causes of headaches, and a neurologist can determine, and most importantly, cure the pain. Pain...
We have replenishment. Our medical center has expanded the scope of activities and now, along with the concern for the...