Процедура ін'єкційної косметології на жіночому обличчі.
Botulinum therapy is an injectable technology of skin rejuvenation, which is widely used in modern cosmetology. It helps to eliminate...
Дівчина з куперозом на обличчі дивиться в дзеркало.
Couperosis on the face is a vascular pathology affecting small blood vessels located in the upper layers of the epidermis....
Дівчина з акне на обличчі дивиться в дзеркало.
Vitamins for skin from pimples – a question that interests not only teenagers, but also many adults who have faced...
Молода жінка виглядає щасливою.
Underarm hyperhidrosis is a problem that, according to medical statistics, today faces almost every third person. Unfortunately, in many cases...
Процедура ультразвукової чистки.
  Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove dead cells, greasy shine and other impurities from the...
Чиста шкіра у жінки після фотолікування акне.
Acne phototherapy is an innovative treatment method aimed at eliminating pimples and acne using special equipment. This process has many...
Дортор осматривает лицо женщины перед процедурой фотоомоложения.
Searching for safe and effective Omo methods skin rejuvenation, more and more people are paying attention to photorejuvenation – a...
Наборы профессиональной косметики от Yon-ka и Institut Esthederm.
Thinking about how to please your loved one? Give a nice and useful gift. Professional skin care at home is...
Процедура пилинга.
Give your face a cleansing and get a peeling for half the price! Daily make-up, dust, toxins – all this...
Девушка держит в руках подарочный сертификат и целует парня.
Certificate for UAH 1000, UAH 3000, UAH 5000 A beloved and close person is not always ready to voice their...
Женщина с акне на лице указывает на него пальцем.
Acne is a serious problem that can significantly impair the quality of life. In addition to physical discomfort, these inflammations...
Женщина на летнам отдыхе.
The season of holidays, holidays, sun, beaches, sea, strawberries, watermelons and peaches continues! An alert skeptic will immediately grumble: yeah,...
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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