Посмішка з брекетами.
Correcting the bite with braces is one of the simplest and most accessible methods to enhance one’s smile for both...
Брекети на зубах усміхненої дитини.
According to statistics, up to 90% of the population suffer from incorrect occlusion, and in half of the cases, these...
Частичная брекет-система на зубах.
Partial bracket system is an optimal solution when you need to correct individual misaligned teeth, and there are no bite...
Брекеты на верхней челюсти.
A person considering starting orthodontic treatment usually has a clear understanding of what concerns them most and what they want...
Пациентка медицинского центра Призма после лечения брекет-системой Insignia.
With a slight delay, we are publishing the final part from the personal experience of installing the INSIGNIA bracket system...
Смена дуг на брекетах при ортодонтическом лечении.
Five months ago my life changed in some way. I started wearing braces. This fascinating journey into the world of...
Брекеты на зубах молодой улыбающейся девушки.
So it’s time to put braces on the lower jaw. My treatment plan involves a phased installation of equipment-first to the...
Улыбающаяся девушка смотрит в небо.
In the last article, I talked about what influenced my decision to install a bracket system. And two months later, my...
Женщина с брекетами ест конфету.
Feel free to smile? Dreaming of flat teeth? It’s time to act! Today, there are plenty of opportunities that make...
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Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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