Девушка показывает капу для сна.
Orthodontic problems are not uncommon, so people who have encountered them know firsthand about aligners. Modern removable products are made...
Отбеливание зубов - шуточная иллюстрация.
Snow-white teeth are a marker of beauty and success, so all available methods are used: from homemade recipes to >professional...
Ребенок держит в зубах большой орех.
Cracked teeth are a fairly common occurrence. They are horizontal, vertical, and also oblique. According to experts, it is important...
Смена дуг на брекетах при ортодонтическом лечении.
Five months ago my life changed in some way. I started wearing braces. This fascinating journey into the world of...
Женщина в красивом венке из осенних листьев.
It’s autumn – it’s time to visit a beautician. There is no more active sunlight, the skin needs to be...
Зубная щетка и открытый тюбик зубной пасты.
When it comes to useful and harmful ingredients in toothpaste, experts say that pastes with herbs do not contain dyes,...
Мальчик держит зубную щетку и улыбается.
Quite a lot of moms and dads are faced with the problem of black milk teeth in a baby. In...
Сверкающая кожа у женщины.
Elastic, fresh, smooth, radiant and tender – if you dream of such facial skin, we recommend carbon peeling. This is...
Листья мяты во рту.
Smell from the mouth — the problem is very delicate and it’s not customary to talk about it openly. People...
Фото команды отделения эстетической косметологии и реабилитации в клинике Призма.
We have replenishment. Our medical center has expanded the scope of activities and now, along with the concern for the...
Портрет красивой женщины с упругой, гладкой кожей.
Today, the market is oversaturated with various cosmetic products that promise to keep the skin in good shape, cure acne,...
Брекеты на зубах молодой улыбающейся девушки.
So it’s time to put braces on the lower jaw. My treatment plan involves a phased installation of equipment-first to the...
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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