Зубная нить в руках женщины.
As a result of the accumulation of plaque between the teeth and on the gum line, periodontal disease can develop....
Награждение лучшего администратора медицинского центра "Призма".
One of the tasks we put before ourselves is to implement qualitative client services. All the members of clinic staff...
Болят зубы у девушки.
The increased dental sensitivity is accompanied by unpleasant pain and discomfort. This problem is sufficiently popular and constrains a habitual...
Рабочий тренинг в клинике Призма.
At our job we are focused on the maximum gratification of wants and requests of our patients. It is essential...
Препараты INNODENT.
Decay is probably the most common dental disease. And when it comes to its treatment, one automatically imagines a drilling...
Ребенок показывает выбитый зуб.
Summer vacation is a joy for children and troubles for parents. Kids have much time outside playing in the yard,...
Ортодонты клиники Призма и генеральный партнер компании Dolphin Imaging & Management Solution.
On 27-28.06.2016 in Turin (Italy) a working meeting of orthodontists of aesthetic dental clinic “Prizma”, Andrey Chmyr and Oleg Krasnolensky...
Сильная зубная боль у женщины.
Pathological tooth abrasion is one of the most topical issues for the moment, which is neglected by dentists thus leading...
Аппарат Vector Durr Dental для лечения пародонтита.
Treatment of parodontitis is currently one the most relevant issues. Time moves on, and new more efficient methods replace obsolete...
Процедура плазмолифтинга в стоматологической клинике.
For maintaining beauty and health a great variety of methods exist which use different medical and aesthetical preparations. But science...
Жнщина примеряет капу Invisalign.
If you wish to get a lovely smile with no tangible changes in habitual mode of life, then you should...
Пример диагностики зубов для ортодонтического лечения в медицинском центре «ПРИЗМА».
Diagnostics is one of the most complex stages of orthodontic treatment. First visit enables orthodontist to determine the necessity of...
Making an appoinment
Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25 Subway «Postal Area»
Working hours
No holidays 8:00 to 20:00
aesthetic dentistry
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation
aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

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