A distal bite is a pathology that has a negative impact on both aesthetics and the general health of the...
Dental X-ray during pregnancy in early pregnancy and later is a question that interests many expectant mothers. Not so long...
Periostitis or dental flux is a dental disease that is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the soft tissues of...
A gum fistula (fistula) is a hole that forms in the area of the tooth root and comes to the...
RF-lifting, aka radiofrequency, radio wave lifting, radiolifting, thermolifting – is a highly effective, safe for health technology, the action of...
Acupuncture for pregnant women is a therapeutic measure, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating pain, discomfort, providing a...
Dental veneers are one of the technologies of modern aesthetic dentistry, designed to increase the attractiveness of the teeth and...
American Damon braces are the most well-known and sought-after self-ligating braces solution. They are permanently installed orthodontic systems fixed on...
Shockwave therapy is a technique in the treatment of musculoskeletal apparatus and a number of other diseases. It is used...
How to recover quickly from a knee injury is a question that often interests not only athletes, but also fans...
What are the dangers of bone augmentation – this is the question that interests many patients of dental centers who...
Curvature of the spine (scoliosis) is a disease that occurs in 1 in 6 people today. It is primarily associated...