Frequent headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the spine, ringing in the ears — it turns out, these and many...
From the TV and pages of magazines screen snow-white smiles smile us. But in the real life of people with...
Saliva — colorless liquid, which consists of salivary gland secretion, released into the oral cavity. Saliva moistens the mouth, allowing...
Currently, in adults more often the question arises whether they can undergo orthodontic treatment (correct bite, the position of individual...
For many people there is an odontolith — only aesthetic problem. A toothache is not present, and to the doctor,...
Teeth whitening — Teeth whitening — a popular procedure because the dazzling smile adorns any person. Clarification of tooth enamel can...
Feel free to smile? Dreaming of flat teeth? It’s time to act! Today, there are plenty of opportunities that make...
On September 10, the doctor of our clinic, orthopedic surgeon Borovik Ruslan Nikolaevich and surgeon Nagirny Vitaly Yaroslavovich visited Congress...
It’s no secret that the dental health of infants, young children and teenagers affects the overall health of an adult.
One of the most controversial of dental anomalies is the interval between the two front teeth (diastema). Some believe that...
The life duration of tooth implants, crowns, and prostheses considerably depends on oral hygiene. Neglecting of simple rules of care...
Simply everything is known about dental implantation. But some patients are not sure as before, whether placing an implant is...