Борьба с прыщами: каких витаминов не хватает проблемной коже?

Девушка с акне на лице.

Vitamins for skin from pimples – a question that interests not only teenagers, but also many adults who have faced a similar problem. Rashes on the face, back – a rather unpleasant phenomenon. And in the case that the situation is not too serious, if the pimples are observed periodically and pass themselves, then you can ignore it. But if they appear constantly, if there are a lot of them, then this is a reason to think about it. Perhaps there are problems in the body with the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system. But also the presence of rashes can be evidence of a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Now we will dwell in more detail on what to do in this situation, what symptoms may indicate avitaminosis. Let’s talk about what vitamins are needed for facial skin from acne and in what form they are presented on the market.

Why vitamins are so important for facial skin

Everyone knows that the skin needs enough moisture, even children. But not everyone thinks about the fact that it also needs nutrients. And it’s not just about preventing rashes. Vitamins – a mandatory component to improve facial skin, increase its tone, elasticity. They are directly involved in:

  • metabolic processes, ensuring that they are anatomically correct;
  • collagen production, responsible for elasticity and smoothness;
  • formation of a protective barrier that allows you to resist aggressive external influences.

To think about what vitamins are needed for a beautiful clean facial skin, should absolutely everyone who often encounters pimples and black spots, acne, peeling. The lack of nutrients will also be indicated by skin laxity, its dull, earthy color. With such problems can be faced at any age. Although, if we talk directly about rashes, they are more susceptible to teenagers. In many ways, this is due to hormonal changes, not adjusted work of sebaceous glands. Adults who follow proper nutrition, often do not need additional vitamins. Everything that the body needs, it gets with food.Лицо мужчины с проблемной кожей.

But, if there is still a problem, then it is worth thinking about what vitamins you need to drink for facial skin. By saturating the body with the necessary amount of useful substances, you can not only get rid of rashes, but also improve the overall condition of the skin, prolong its youth and beauty.

Features of taking vitamins for problem skin

The first thing we would like to draw your attention to is that you should never take vitamins on your own. Initially it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is important to establish the overall clinical picture, to identify what vitamins your body lacks. Only having a total anamnesis, the doctor will choose the vitamin complex that will give the best result in a particular case.

If you do not follow this recommendation, if you self-medicate, you risk aggravating the problem, as well as a number of related health problems. The goal is to make up for the lack of vitamins, not to get hypervitaminosis from self-treatment.

Now let’s go directly to what vitamins you need for your skin.

What vitamins are important for facial acne skin

In the process of combating acne and other rashes, salicylic acid is often used, as well as preparations with antibacterial effect, containing tea tree or eucalyptus oils, zinc. These means give a good visible effect. They dry up pimples, stop inflammatory processes. But if the problem comes from within, you can not provide with their help a long and stable effect. Only by eliminating its root cause, in this case we are talking about avitaminosis, it will be possible to completely get rid of rashes.

So, what vitamins are needed for clear skin:

  • Retinol (vitamin A). This is a substance that has a powerful anti-aging effect. Therefore, preparations based on it cosmetologists recommend to those who are interested in the question of what vitamins are needed for the elasticity of facial skin. Retinol is able to exfoliate the outer dead cells of the epidermis, thereby opening clogged pores, eliminating the development of inflammatory processes in them. It also normalizes the work of sebaceous glands, reduces the production of sebum. With the help of retinol, the body’s natural production of collagen is activated, and all regeneration processes are accelerated, the skin is quickly renewed. On the market, retinol is presented in different concentrations. And this point must necessarily be taken into account in order not to harm yourself. When using preparations based on retinol, it should be understood that it increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light: when using it, it is recommended to additionally use a cream with a high SPF.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is a substance that provides a powerful antioxidant effect on the body, including the fight against free radicals. It is also able to have a mild exfoliating effect, thereby reducing the visibility of scars left after acne, smoothing the microrelief of the skin. Also, the use of ascorbic acid gives a noticeable brightening effect, equalizes the tone of the face. If the skin left traces of post-acne, associated with excessive accumulation of melanin pigment, vitamin C is very likely to remove them. Also, this component stimulates the natural production of collagen, which ultimately has a positive effect on the overall condition of the skin, increases its elasticity and elasticity. That is, it can be called one of the best vitamins to improve skin regeneration. Recovery after certain damages will be faster and more effective.Комплекс витвминов и минералов.
  • Niacinamide (vitamin B3). Skin problems are often caused by a decrease in its protective barrier function. As a result, it becomes more susceptible to the effects of pathogenic microflora. If the body will be enough vitamin B3, the skin will have more ceramides – components that form the basis of the protective lipid layer. Also niacinamide normalizes the production of sebum, helps to narrow pores. This aspect is especially important for oily skin prone to rashes. And it also takes an active part in the fight against hyperpigmentation, which often develops at the site of former rashes.
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). It can regenerate the skin after inflammatory processes, provide a wound-healing effect. Under the action of vitamin B5 skin is quickly restored, stop inflammation, passes redness, removes various irritations. With regular use of pantothenic acid can increase local immunity, thereby improving the resistance of the epidermis to negative external influences. In cosmetology, this component is also valuable due to its ability to retain moisture well, including in the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It has a powerful antibacterial effect, thus not only removing various skin rashes, but also preventing their reappearance. But if it turns out that your body does not contain enough pyridoxine, rashes will just start to appear.
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9). Talking about what vitamins are needed for facial skin, you can not miss this component. It has a powerful antioxidant effect, relieves inflammation, removes redness, triggers internal regenerative processes. And also such an additive soothes the skin, stimulates the production of collagen, prevents the development of hyperpigmentation. If there is a sufficient amount of vitamin B9 in the body, the skin will look healthy, its tons will be even and without any consequences of inflammation.
  • Vitamins D and E. We have combined them into one group, as both substances are used to improve skin tone, activate regenerative processes, moisturize and protect the skin from negative external influences. They are also attributed to a complex antioxidant effect on the body as a whole and, accordingly, on the skin.
  • Phylloquinone (vitamin K). This is the component that will effectively cope with swelling, even out the skin tone, including in places where rashes were previously observed. Its good anti-inflammatory effect has also been proven in practice.

Features of treatment of facial skin from acne with the help of vitamins

In the event that the problem with rashes appeared as a result of avitaminosis, then the treatment of facial skin from acne will involve replenishing the lack of useful components. This can be provided in different ways:
Стакан наполненный фруктами.

  1. Complete nutrition and emphasizing the use of foods rich in the vitamins we mentioned above. Thus, vitamin A is present in fish, liver, red fruits and vegetables. A valuable source of vitamin B will be legumes, cheese, bananas, cabbage. Vitamin C is rich in citrus fruits, bell peppers, black currants. To ensure that the body receives the necessary amount of vitamin D must be consumed in a meal fatty varieties of fish, dairy products. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils and nuts, and vitamin K – in pumpkin, bran, sauerkraut.
  2. Taking appropriate vitamin tablets and capsules for problem skin. This is a convenient and quick way to make up for the lack of certain components in the body. Here it is necessary to correctly select the composition, as well as the concentration of active components, the form that will be most convenient for you to take.
  3. Ampoules. They are used for injecting vitamins. Such treatment is carried out exclusively on the prescription of a doctor. The concentration of active components in ampoules is very high. Therefore, it is not recommended to open them and apply the solution to the skin. This can cause peeling, burns and other negative reactions.
  4. Cosmetic products with a rich vitamin composition. They are marketed for home and professional use. The difference between them is mainly in the concentration of active ingredients. Therefore, it is not recommended to use salon cosmetics at home, because the result may be the opposite of what is expected.

Choosing the right vitamins for problem skin

Once again, we want to draw attention to the fact that even the best vitamins for problematic facial skin should be used exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. An excess of such substances in the body can be as harmful as a shortage. And it will manifest itself in excessive dryness, redness, rashes. In addition, each problem is individual. This means that its solution requires a special approach.

We recommend seeking advice and professional help to cosmetologists of the medical center “Prizma” in Kiev. Doctors know what vitamins to drink to improve facial skin and will help you to choose the drugs and the way of their reception, which will be the most effective in your case. So you can get the maximum effect in a short time and without negative impact on the body.

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