Ways to reduce hair loss

Hair loss (alopecia) is a very common problem, not only among men, but also among women. There are many reasons for this: stress, changes in the hormonal status, postoperative period, malnutrition, lack of microelements, etc. Today there is a lot of advice and resources that promise to return health and strength to the hair, but they are all ineffective if not eliminate the main problem.

Hair loss treatment

Types of alopecia:

  • Local. Hair falls out on a certain area of ​​the head; the hairs around the focus of the fall become thinner.
  • Diffuse. Diffuse hair loss involves an increased rate of hair fall from all over the sculp; the general condition of the hair is weak and thinned.
  • Androgenetic. This type of alopecia is associated with a disturbance of the hormonal system; in men, hair falls on the top of the head and in the area of ​​the forehead, in women – in the area of middle parted hair.

What is the essence of mesotherapy for hair?

The essence of mesotherapy method is the introduction of injections with therapeutic cocktails into the scalp. Cocktails are selected for each person individually and it depends on the condition of the skin and hair. The composition of the medicines may include aminoacids, zinc, and vitamins of B group. These components improve blood supply, normalize growth, provide an inflow of oxygen, and remove dandruff.

In our Medical Center for mesotherapy of the scalp, we use the following medicines: Meso-Genesis BP3
These mesococktails are unique and effective – they have no equal in the market of cosmetology.

How does the procedure of mesotherapy go?

A dermatologist applies an injection area with antiseptic. Then, using a syringe with the finest needle starts to introduce a medication that was selected individually for you. During manipulations, you will not feel anything, except for light “bites” of the needle. The procedure takes about 40 minutes.

Post-treatment  care

During 2 days after theprocedure of mesotherapy, it is better not to wash your hair and take a bath.

How many procedures do you need?

To achieve the result6-8 procedures within one month are required. The visible effect after the completed course lasts for 5-10 months. Then procedure of mesotherapy can be repeated.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • period of menstruation;
  • neoplasms in the area of supposed injections;
  • allergy to the certain components of mescoctail.

If you are tired of coping with hair loss and disappointed in all methods – just try mesotherapy. We are sure; this method will solve your problem and regain your hair strength, gloss and health!

Specialists who treat hair loss

Service prices
Service name Cost/UAH
Мезококтейль Hair Loss Control (2,5 мл) Терапія андрогенної алопеції2 070
Regenlab ACR-C Classic (Швейцарія)8 990
Лазерна шліфовка всієї волосистої частини голови5 200
Лазерна шліфовка потилиці2 600
Лазерна шліфовка маківки2 600
Лазерна шліфовка тім’яної ділянки3 120


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No holidays 8:00 to 20:00


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