Можно ли делать ультразвуковую чистку при куперозе?

Женщина с розацеа на лице.

Couperosis on the face is a vascular pathology affecting small blood vessels located in the upper layers of the epidermis. Under its influence, vascular walls expand, become less elastic, lose the ability to narrow. As a result, tissue nutrition is impaired, worsens thermoregulation. On the face, couperosis is primarily expressed by such a cosmetic defect as vascular asterisks. Modern care for such skin should include cleansing, moisturizing and photoprotection. Only in this way it will be possible to maintain attractiveness and beauty, to prolong youth. Along with home care, modern cosmetology also offers a lot of professional solutions, including facial cleansing.

Now we will dwell in more detail on what care to provide a particularly sensitive skin with pronounced vascular stars, consider whether you can do ultrasonic cleaning with сouperosis.

Facial couperosis: suitable cleaning methods

Facial couperosis is not only an aesthetic problem. Due to the disruption of the normal functioning of blood vessels, there are failures in the metabolic processes occurring in the epidermis. Sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, pores expand. So the body reacts to the violation of thermoregulation and tries to improve heat removal. As a result, the skin thickens, but at the same time becomes more loose and greasy, prone to the appearance of inflammatory processes, pustules.

Such a state of the dermis requires regular, but at the same time gentle care and cleaning. This is relevant not only for home conditions, but also for salon procedures. So, cleaning with couperose is a procedure that necessarily requires prior consultation with a doctor, and often not one. In addition to a cosmetologist to the selection of appropriate methods of cleaning can also involve a dermatologist.

Those procedures that involve rough mechanical impact on the skin should not be used. They stretch the dermis, traumatize it, which can lead to the expansion of the couperose zone, the appearance of negative reactions. In the presence of such manifestations, you can not perform manual, laser, mechanical cleaning. The latter will contribute to a local increase in skin temperature, which will entail an increase in redness on the face and other manifestations of couperose. Particularly negative impact on the state of the dermis has a vacuum cleaning, which provides the strongest possible blood flow to the vascular mesh, causes its expansion. As a result, couperosis makes itself known even more vividly.

Розацеа на лице парня.

One of the gentlest effects on skin prone to redness and vascularity is ultrasonic cleaning. It cleans the dermis layer as superficially as possible and without traumatizing, effectively removing dead particles, impurities, excess fat. But at the same time the skin is not overheated, not stretched, the vessels are not subjected to traumatic effects. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether you can do ultrasonic cleaning with couperose will be “yes, but with the mandatory prior consultation with a doctor”. It is he who will determine the condition of your skin, as well as the possibility of carrying out such a procedure.

Ultrasonic cleaning for couperosis: features of the procedure

Ultrasound facial cleansing itself, including with couperosis – it is one of the varieties of peeling. It involves hardware impact on the epidermis due to the influence of ultrasonic waves of high frequency. In the process of treatment, ultrasound through a special medium acts on the skin, literally destroying the connection between dead and live cells, ensuring their faster removal. Also in this process provides removal of excess sebum accumulated in the pores. In addition, it provides local micro-massage, which also manifests itself under ultrasonic waves. Particular effectiveness is observed on younger skin, which does not require deep exposure.

The cleaning process itself is performed using a special scrubber device. The scrubber has a scraper at its tip, which will transmit ultrasonic waves to the skin, providing three different types of impact at the same time:

  1. Mechanical. Manifests itself in the elimination of connections between the particles of the stratum corneum and healthy skin.
  2. Thermal. There is a very slight local heating, which contributes to the expansion of the mouth of the pores and effective removal of various contaminants, sebum, acne.
  3. Physical and chemical. Ultrasonic cleaning of the face with couperose also involves the use of special cosmetic preparations, including tonics, creams, which ultimately provides saturation of the dermis with nutritive components. The cosmetologist carefully selects the means in order not to harm the skin prone to vascular asterisks.

The skin is treated as atraumatically and superficially as possible. This is exactly what is needed for skin prone to couperose.

Ultrasonic cleaning for couperosis: advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the advantages that are endowed with ultrasonic cleaning for couperosis, then it is worth highlighting:

  • ensuring minimal negative impact on the skin;
  • absence of pain, discomfort during the procedure;
  • high effectiveness on skin of different ages;
  • lack of seasonality: can be carried out at any time of the year;
  • short duration and low cost.

After this procedure, skin oxygenation improves, thermoregulation is normalized, even deep pores are cleaned well, and their contraction is ensured. After cleaning at the cellular level activates metabolic processes in the tissues, improves blood oxygenation, reduces the external manifestations of couperose.

But still the presence of vascular mesh requires special attention from the cosmetologist. During consultations is determined by the manifestation and intensity of pathology, after which a decision is made on the feasibility of implementation of ultrasonic cleaning. During the procedure itself, areas with particularly pronounced redness are often bypassed with a scrubber.

Женщина на процедуре ультразвуковой чистки.

Frequency of salon treatments for couperosis

It is recommended to perform salon procedures for couperose at a frequency of no more than once a month for dry skin and approximately every 2 weeks for oily skin. A higher frequency of cleaning will lead to the fact that the vessels will lose their elasticity even more intensively, will stop narrowing, their nutrition is disturbed, worsen thermoregulation.

The procedure is not carried out at the stage of recovery after chemical peels, laser resurfacing, plastic surgery. Optimal intensity of ultrasonic cleaning for couperose will determine the cosmetologist in the course of consultation. There is a possibility that the procedure will not be carried out at all, if the vascular mesh is too pronounced and it has affected a large enough surface.

Ultrasonic cleansing for couperose: how the procedure is carried out

Couperosis of facial vessels does not require special preparation before ultrasonic cleaning. If in the course of a preliminary consultation cosmetologist or dermatologist will allow its implementation, the only thing you will need to do before the procedure is to remove cosmetics from the face. The procedure itself takes no more than 15-20 minutes and involves the implementation of three main stages:

  1. Pre-cleaning of the skin. It is performed using special toners or micellar water, as well as gels or foams for washing. Often after that a special hydrating gel is applied, which is also called cold steaming of the skin. It loosens the horny layer of the dermis, which will improve its exfoliation later on.
  2. Ultrasonic cleaning itself. Before its realization, a special gel, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine is applied to the skin, as well as a tonic that acts as a conductor. The cleaning itself is performed with a scrubber, which is located to the surface at an angle of 30-450.
  3. Application of masks, creams that provide soothing, brightening effect, pore narrowing.

The effectiveness of such care can be seen literally immediately after its completion. The skin looks smooth, light, tightened, its shade is equalized, pores become less noticeable.

Cosmetic procedures for couperosis: what to do afterwards

After the cosmetic procedure for couperose, the doctor will conduct an additional consultation, where he will provide care recommendations for the post-procedure period, and in general.

So, during the first 24 hours should not use decorative cosmetics, and in the next 3 days to engage in active sports, visit the sauna, swimming pool. It is also not recommended to tan both in the sun and in the solarium for the next week. At the same time will be prohibited cosmetics of deep impact, in particular scrubs and peels, as well as alcohol-containing compositions.

Before going outdoors it will be necessary to apply to the skin cream with SPF-30 and higher indicators. Also cosmetologist will individually select cosmetics for home care, focused directly on the skin prone to couperosis.

In any case, the approach to the dermis with vascular asterisks should be individualized. And provide this will be able to cosmetologists medical center “Prizma” in Kiev. They know what procedures can be done with couperose, what care products can be used, and what should be avoided. This allows them to select individual solutions for each patient. Such that will provide maximum effect without negative impact on the skin, prone to redness and vascular asterisks. Don’t delay a visit to your cosmetic surgeon. Make an appointment for a consultation by phone or through the online contact form right now.

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