Injectable cosmetology

Injectable cosmetology is a set of techniques and technologies that will allow men and women to look young, attractive, feel confident at any age. In terms of its effectiveness in some cases it is not inferior to cardinal plastic surgery, but does not require hospitalization, long and difficult recovery. All procedures are quick and with minimal discomfort for the patient.

Injectable cosmetology in Kiev

Женщина получает косметологические инъекции.

If you are interested in professional injectable cosmetology in Kiev, please contact the medical center “Prizma”. We use only patented technologies and preparations from leading American European manufacturers, which gives a stunning result without negative impact on the body.

Injectable cosmetology: when indicated

Men and women from the age of 18 can use the services of injectable cosmetology. It is used to perform:

  • correction of the size and shape of the lips;
  • reducing the severity of nasolabial folds;
  • contour face lift, rejuvenation;
  • wrinkle reduction on the face, décolleté and neck area;
  • increasing skin turgor and elasticity;
  • fight any other age-related changes;
  • combat excessive sweating of the palms and feet, armpit area;
  • treatment of acne and other inflammatory phenomena on the face and body.

The selected technology of injectable cosmetology allows you to get a stable and pronounced result, which will remain for a sufficiently long period of time. These procedures can be repeated at regular intervals, hiding imperfections and emphasizing your attractiveness and youthfulness.

Injection techniques in cosmetology from Prizma Medical Center


Our injectable cosmetology clinic offers the following methods to ensure the health and beauty of the skin:

  1. Botulinotherapy. It involves subcutaneous injection of botulinum toxin-based preparations into problem areas. The active components block the receptors of mimic muscles, thereby suppressing their contractility. Thanks to this, the existing wrinkles are smoothed out and the appearance of new ones is prevented.
    Процедура инъекционной косметологии на лице женщины.
  2. Contour plastic surgery. It is performed using special fillers. It helps to eliminate skin defects, replenish the lost volume of lips, cheeks, cheekbones, chin, nasolacrimal furrows, nose, sour wrinkles. It is possible to model almost any area of the face.
  3. Plasmolifting. Injection technique in cosmetology, the effect of which is aimed at rejuvenating problem areas not only on the face, but also on the body, as well as on the scalp. It involves the activation of local metabolic processes through the spot injection of a preparation based on the patient’s own plasma.
  4. Biorevitalization. A procedure designed to moisturize the deep layers of the epidermis. It provides a complex rejuvenating effect.
  5. Mesotherapy. The action of the procedure is aimed at activating local blood circulation, triggering regenerative processes in the deep layers of the skin, normalizing metabolic reactions. With its help it increases local immunity, intensifies the synthesis of collagen. That is, the body itself starts the process of rejuvenation. In our medical center can be performed mesotherapy both face and body.

What can you expect from injectable procedures?

By utilizing injectable treatments, you will be able to provide without surgery:

  • smoothing the microrelief of the skin;
  • improve the tone and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • remove expression lines, pronounced nasolabial folds, smooth wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows;
  • correct the shape of cheekbones, chin, lips and face in general;
  • improve the condition of hair;
  • normalize the work of sebaceous and sweat glands.

If necessary, this procedure can be repeated after a certain period of time when the injected drugs need to be replenished.

Injectable cosmetology: main contraindications
Варианты инъекционной косметологии для лица.


Contraindications of injectable cosmetology include:

  • blood coagulation problems;
  • viral and infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • taking a number of medications, in particular anticoagulants, antibiotics.

Your doctor will determine whether you can have the injections during your consultation.


The best clinic of injectable cosmetology in Kiev

“Prizma” is a clinic of injectable cosmetology in Kiev, which guarantees maximum results with minimal discomfort for the patient. In our work we use modern technologies and certified materials, realize a comprehensive approach to the problems of each patient. Great practical skill and craftsmanship of cosmetologists allows us to choose the best solution for each patient. Having a medical license will allow you to be confident in the high quality of services and their safety.

Contact us if you want to prolong your youth and beauty without drastic intervention. To make an appointment for a consultation and find out the price of injectable cosmetology, you should call us or send a request through the feedback form.



Kiev, Str. Sagaidachnogo 25
Subway «Postal Area»

Working hours:

No holidays 8:00 to 20:00


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