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Acupuncture for headaches is a technique that allows you to provide relief from the painful process by acting on special energy points on the human body. Migraines, tension headaches are something that many people of different ages face today. There are many reasons for this, starting from meteorological dependence and frequent magnetic storms, and up to individual features of the body. But, regardless of its nature, these types of headaches have a negative impact on the daily life of a person, forcing him to take medications that at least temporarily remove the painful sensations. But any medication has adverse reactions. In particular, there is a negative impact on the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

This is why both patients and modern medicine are looking for effective ways to get rid of migraines and tension headaches. Those that would provide long-lasting and stable results without harming other systems of the body. And one such solution is acupuncture for headaches. Let us now dwell in more detail on what this procedure is, highlight its benefits and potential risks. We will give information about the results of research on the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of headaches, in particular tension and migraine headaches.

What is acupuncture for headaches: peculiarities

Migraine is one of the neurological pathologies that manifests itself as intense, up to nausea, excruciating pain, often covering one part of the head. Women are more susceptible to this pathology, while male patients face it mainly at a more mature age. Despite the fact that modern medicine offers different therapeutic ways to treat this pathology, effective methods that provide the most stable and lasting result without adverse effects on the body of patients, in general, alas, does not exist. All those solutions that are used today in medical practice are aimed solely at relieving the current pain syndrome. Of the auxiliary techniques offer a contrast shower, rest in a semi-dark room in absolute silence.

Against this background, acupuncture for headache is perceived by many patients as a real opportunity to get rid of constant discomfort and return to a full comfortable life without pain. The advantage of this technique is that it has virtually no contraindications, does not require special preparation, and its effectiveness is not only in the temporary relief of pain, but also in the overall improvement of the condition.

Acupuncture for headaches provides:

  • stabilization of the psycho-emotional background, nervous system;
  • marked improvement in the quality of sleep;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • equalization of the hormonal background;
  • increased resistance to weather vagaries;
  • minimizing stress on the nervous system;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • providing vigor, good mood.

That is, there is a general positive effect on the state of health in general. All these features have contributed to the fact that traditional medicine has also started to talk about the usefulness of acupuncture in the treatment of headaches.

Acupuncture for migraine: advantages and disadvantages

Acupuncture for headaches itself is an ancient Chinese method that involves influencing the energy flows through the human body, ensuring a balance of equilibrium and harmony within. In this case, the doctor acts on special points on the body, thereby improving blood circulation, relieving muscle spasms. Also in this process, the body produces endorphins, which have a powerful analgesic effect.

Compared to traditional methods of treating migraine and tension headaches, acupuncture is endowed with a number of quite significant advantages:

  1. Headache prevention. Numerous studies, which are being conducted today all over the world, have clearly shown that acupuncture not only removes migraine attacks, but also subsequently prevents attacks, reduces their frequency and intensity.
  2. No adverse reactions, which is typical for the use of certain drugs. Those external manifestations that can be observed immediately after acupuncture, in particular redness and slight swelling, pass very quickly and do not require medical intervention.
  3. Providing an overall positive effect on the body. By improving blood circulation and relieving muscle spasms, acupuncture for migraine has a powerful healing effect.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this technique, they are very relative and primarily depend on the professionalism of the performance. For example, such phenomena as needle injuries and infections will be irrelevant if you go to a good doctor for acupuncture.

Migraine acupuncture treatment: the evidence base

The tangible and stable effect of acupuncture for migraine or tension pain has been repeatedly confirmed by various world studies. Thus, one of the latest studies was conducted in Great Britain. It involved 2 categories of patients. One of them continued to take medications during migraines, and for the second one acupuncture sessions were conducted.

The results of the study showed that the frequency and intensity of migraines in patients after acupuncture decreased by 43%. At the same time, there were no patients in this group who complained of any adverse reactions in contrast to people who took medications.

In parallel with the examination by doctors, patients from both groups wrote down information about their own well-being for a year in special diaries. There they indicated the frequency of attacks, their intensity, localization of pain, noted the relationship with certain factors, such as overwork, physical exertion, and so on. For example, those who underwent acupuncture treatment for migraine noted that they experienced significantly less pain and discomfort associated with migraine or tension headache. The number of days of disability associated with these pathologies was reduced by about half.

All of this allowed doctors to conclude that acupuncture gives a tangible positive result in the treatment of headaches associated with migraine and tension headaches. In addition, no adverse reactions have been identified here. You should be prepared for the fact that acupuncture for migraine is carried out in courses. That is, it will require you to spend some time. In its majority, the full cycle of treatment here will be 12 sessions with a frequency of once a week. That is, the entire course of treatment can take up to 3 months. But here everything is individual and depends on the peculiarities of each patient.

The optimal number of acupuncture procedures for headaches will be selected by a doctor during a consultation. Apply for such a procedure in the medical center “Prisma” to get fast and reliable professional solutions that will allow you to get rid of headaches and return to an active full life.

Fill out the feedback form or call us to make an appointment with a doctor at a convenient time.

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